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La Goccia Association

Last Update: Monday, 29-May-2006 06:13:25 PDT

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La Goccia is one of the Associations that EVG (ESRIN Voluntary Group) supports in a stable manner. Here it follows a brief description of their objectives and scope. You may contact them directly.

La Goccia

Voluntary Association, composed by young and adult people with the objective to provide help to homeless people.
The Association aims to join, follow and assist these people with food (Friday's dinner), blankets and first necessity aids.
They have a Caravan available for exceptional circumstances.
Visit's day and dinner in the Oratory:
Friday: 19:00 - 22:00

Refer to:

Contact point: associazionelagoccia@libero.it
Per information and suggestions: Phone: 06.71586909 - 06.71587003 - 06.7158787

Important They are looking for a Doctor available (even irregularly, at his/her discretion), during the Firday's dinner.
For information refer to the Centro Giovanile Don Bosco Cinecitta' (P.zza dei Decemvri n.2 - Roma), asking for the Association La Goccia, preferably on Tuesdays between 19:30 and 21:00, or send an e-mail to the above address.



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